To meet the nutritional needs of your cat, you can choose between a home-made food and food of industrial production sold in stores.
A homemade food is a meal that you prepare yourself with ingredients such as rice, meat, vegetables ... In so doing, the person can check the quality of the composition, but there are drawbacks, such as the cost, the work of preparation, and, what is more serious, the risk of nutritional imbalances, in the case in which the ration from you prepared does not contain quantities enough of all the nutrients that your cat needs. The sources of protein are not only the meat but, if well tolerated, may also be used as an alternative eggs, cheese or fish. The liver can be used, but only in small quantities, for the fact that it can cause diarrhea, as well as a hypervitaminosis A with grave consequences.
The meat (muscle) may constitute a large part of the daily ration, but alone is not enough to meet the requirements, so it is useful to supplement your diet with other foods containing mostly fat and, to a lesser extent, sugar and fiber.
The milk may be administered after weaning and is an excellent food, but in some individuals can cause diarrhea for the decreased production of lactase, an enzyme that allows the digestion of lactose.
Yogurt, like other dairy products, can be used as a source of protein as an alternative or in addition to the meat. The desserts in general should be avoided, so absolute in diabetic cats and in animals generally overweight. Ice cream, if it does not cause diarrhea, can be given in small doses.
Are to avoid the bones and fish bones, as there is a danger that they can splinter and cause serious damage to the esophagus, stomach and intestines.
The preservatives used in foods for humans can be harmful. Do not give your packaged foods. Also prohibited chocolate, sweets, spicy foods and very salty, cheese and vegetables.
Other error committed is the addition of vitamin and mineral supplements: poisoning by vitamin D and A, as a result of unnecessary additions with fish oils, are the most widespread of their deficiency and can lead to imbalances in mineral metabolism as a whole. Therefore, if the cat is in good health and is fed with a balanced diet, do not need any vitamin or mineral supplement, unless it is your vet to prescribe it.
Food of industrial production have the advantage of being cheaper and to contain all the nutritional principles of which a cat needs.
Are prepared with care, using the best ingredients and according to the health regulations similar to those of human nutrition.
These foods are very popular with cats. It is recommended to feed your cat observing the daily rations indicated on each package.
The wet food (both tidbits that paté) are very similar to the product being tasty and fresh, stimulate the appetite of the animal. Are foods with high digestibility.
Foods are quick to prepare and serve easily from the box. Once opened, it is advisable to keep it in the refrigerator, because the wet food deteriorates easily.
The paté, which have the appearance of flesh pressed, it goes directly chopped using a knife or a fork in the bowl of jelly.
The bites do not need to be shredded: just pour it directly into the jelly.
It is recommended that, at the end of each meal, carefully clean the cat's bowl, to prevent the deteriorating food residue can develop dangerous microorganisms.
The moist foods do not need to be integrated with other kinds of foods. Are, in fact formulated to ensure the animal a balanced diet.
Dry food (kibble) has the advantage of not going to hurt in the bowl, it fits so perfectly to the behavior of the cats, who love to make more meals during the day. Finally, the croquettes, if exposed to air, give off a smell less strong.
It is often heard that the croquettes are not good for cats as they may have urinary problems such as cystitis and kidney. This is false: a dry food formulated correctly is as effective in the prevention of urinary problems as a wet food.
If you change the type of power, you should do it gradually, in order to prevent your cat face loose stools or diarrhea, I recommend you mix an increasing number of the new food with the old one, before arriving in the complete replacement not first two weeks.