As we age, the cat requires a regulated and specific, it slows down the metabolism of cat and consequentially change the nutritional needs. A cat can be considered old when it reaches 10 years of age who are our 60 years. Good nutrition, as well as frequent veterinary visits, can prevent a whole series of problems of their age, such as lack of appetite, drowsiness, cardiac hypertrophy, diabetes, kidney dysfunction, constipation. And 'advisable to use specific products. As we age it is important to administer a highly digestible diet may decrease because the digestive capacity, is often necessary to stimulate the motility of the gastrointestinal tract with the addition of fiber to prevent constipation. Furthermore we must use foods low content of phosphorus in the event both a subject suffering from renal failure. The wet food (pate or bocconcini) is recommended for those who have problems with their teeth and to make sure the right amount of liquid. To conclude we can say that the power of the older cat needs to have a moderate calorie, high quality protein, a proper balance between the minerals in addition to the right amount of vitamins, fiber and fat attractive.
Home » December 2012
For proper breast feeding the kitten is good to follow a few simple rules, first of all prefer a formula, specifically designed for kittens, cow's milk can not be considered complete for a cat. Feed the kitten every 2/3 hours for the first week, 4/5 hours in the second, 5/6 in the third up to the fourth where he started weaning, and in any case on the basis of days of life and the weight off and follow the signs recommended on the packaging of milk substitutes for babies and taking care not to over-feed. After pappata massage the belly of the cat to help the poo. Carefully wash the bottles used.
The milk should be administered at a temperature of 38 ° C, so after adding the boiling water into the bottle already containing milk powder, allow to cool, or if already prepared and stored in the fridge, warm it up to the same temperature of 38 ° C . Ask your vet for advice for any doubt.
After the feeding period, which can last from 30 to 50 days, during which the kitten grows at an impressive pace feeding the first milk (colostrum) may begin svezzamento.svezzamento Power Supply kittens
It 'a turning point for the mental and physical health of the kitten, so you should pay close attention. Initially you can groped with some teaspoon of milk substitutes for babies with the addition kibble or normal homogenized meat or fish, in the amount of 2 parts milk and dry food or a milk and two of wet food. Of course, with each passing day should decrease the amount of milk and within a week or so (depending on the cat) you could just get to the first real meal of meat or fish well cooked stew with rice. Weaning be complete as early as the sixth / eighth week, although it is advisable to give food for "kittens" until the ninth week.
In animals from disease, just like humans, are increasing the power problems such as overweight and obesity. The reduced physical activity, a diet too rich and extra food given as a sign of affection can easily tip the balance of nutrition of the animal house.
Despite the florid appearance and calm behavior, the cat is not overweight at all leads an ideal life for a predator agile and active. Treatment often consists simply in ragolare power limiting calorie intake by reducing the amount of food and feed by adopting low-calorie, under veterinary supervision. Some breeds are particularly voracious, and their diet must be well balanced, especially in cats oriental food must be well-constrained. In cats with long hair, the thick coat can hide a sudden change daily weight, and is therefore useful to get used to touch the cat to check the state of health.
Power quality of the cat can also be detected by the state of the hair, which is soft, odorless, clean and shiny in cats healthier, more opaque, greasy and fragile in the event of illness. However, it is important not to overdo it with food.
Refusing food is a common symptom for many diseases, but may also occur in healthy cat. Among the causes of the lack of interest in food is a preference to certain substances that cats develop during weaning, when they learn from the mother to recognize what is the food.
A power monotonous in these weeks can adversely affect the ability of the cat to accept successively different food. The cat may also refuse food if it is placed next to the litter box in a place too disturbed or in the presence of an aggressive cat, threatening him and attack when he tries to get close. A negative experience, such as an allergic reaction, nausea and vomiting, may cause an aversion to the smell and taste of a certain food.
Here's a great selection of wet cat food: in convenient boxes or envelopes practices. With boxes of different sizes you can adapt the meal to the needs of your pet according to his age, race, and type of life. RRP you're sure to always find the most suitable wet food your cat!
For the croquettes return to page: dry cat food.
The cat food industrial production has the advantage of being more economical than the homemade preparations and contain all the nutritional principles of which a cat needs. These products are made with care, using the best ingredients and according to the health regulations similar to those of human nutrition. It is recommended to feed your cat observing the daily rations indicated on each package.
The wet food (both tidbits that paté) are very similar to the product being tasty and fresh, stimulate the appetite of the animal. Foods are characterized by a high digestibility. Foods are quick to prepare and serve easily from the box. Once the package is opened, it is advisable to keep them in the refrigerator, because the wet food deteriorates easily. The paté, which have the appearance of flesh pressed, it goes directly chopped using a knife or a fork in the bowl of jelly. The bites do not need to be shredded: just pour it directly into the bowl of jelly. The moist foods do not need to be integrated with other kinds of foods. Are in fact formulated to ensure the animal a balanced diet.
It is recommended that, at the end of each meal, carefully clean the cat's bowl, to prevent the deteriorating food residue can develop dangerous microorganisms.
The dry food (kibble) have the advantage of not going to hurt in the bowl, fit so perfectly to the behavior of the cats, who love to make more meals during the day. Finally, the croquettes, if exposed to air, give off a smell less strong. It is often heard that the croquettes are not good for cats as they may have urinary problems such as cystitis and kidney. This is false: a dry food formulated correctly is as effective in the prevention of urinary problems as a wet food.
If you change the type of power, you should do it gradually, in order to prevent your cat face loose stools or diarrhea, it is recommended to mix an increasing number of the new food with the old one, before arriving in the complete replacement not first two weeks.
Mother cat nursing kittens usually for fifty days. Gradual weaning can start from the fourth week, when the pups begin to spontaneously explore the surroundings of the maternal nest. In the event that mother cat is unable to nurse the kittens, you will have to resort to 'bottle-feeding:
A puppy has the need to eat regularly, with the interval between a meal and the other which varies from 2 to 6 hours depending on age.Baby 0 to 10 days is necessary to eat every 2 hours during the day, every 3 hours at night.
Puppies from 10 to 15 days is necessary to eat every 3 hours during the day, every 4 hours at night.
Puppies from 15 to 20 days is necessary that they eat every 4 hours during the day, every 5 hours the night.
Puppies from 20 to 30 days is necessary that they eat every 5 hours during the day, every 6-7 hours the night.
The power supply must be up to 30 days only in special milk powder for puppies (advice in the first place "KMR" liquid or powder, "Primolatte kitten" Bayer's powdered milk from Royal Canin. Sconsiglio instead " Lactol "because many times it was due to severe intestinal blockage) or milk-based whole goat, or you can use the following recipe, widely used and has been very successful (proven by many users of the forum):
- 200 ML OF GOAT'S MILK COW'S MILK WHOLE OR FULL (better than the vaccine)
- AN EGG YOLK (separate the yolk well, trying not to break it and throw all the egg white, then with a syringe without a needle to make a small hole in the cuticle and sucking, taking care not to suck even the skins. Warning albumen , because it causes diarrhea in kittens)
- A SPOON FROM SOUP Meritene VANILLA (is in powder form are proteins in milk are found in pharmacy from Novartis but not essential)
Mix everything together and beat well, use a bottle for children.
This milk mixture in the refrigerator lasts 3-4 days, just boil what you need for the meal.
Small addition.
If you notice that the cat poo is yellow and soft, then it means that it is super powered, halved doses of eggs and cream.
It can happen in a litter that there are puppies who need milk lighter.
The puppy should eat per day to 25-30% of its body weight divided by the number of daily meals.
For example, a puppy should eat 100 grams per day from 25 to 30 ml of milk.
The amount of milk to eat naturally be increased based on the increase of the weight of the puppy.
A puppy should be fed well every day also increased minimum (5 grams).
If weight gain is not there, or you're giving too little milk or milk is not substantial enough or still, the baby does not assimilate.
The milk must be administered to a temperature of about 38 degrees.
To administer the milk are the special bottle but can be dangerous if the milk flow is too fast it could go wrong, end up in the lungs and cause aspiration pneumonia leading the puppy to death in up to 48 hours.
A tool less dangerous is the syringe, needle private course, because the flow of milk is less and less the risk that goes askew.
Do not ever force a puppy that does not suck to eat with these two instruments because the milk goes through with the consequences described above.
Press just to get a drop of milk to taste the puppy.
Alternatively, you can also use the eyedropper, but feeding a puppy with the dropper is very laborious.
Taking into account that 30 drops are 1 ml of milk if a baby has to eat a meal, 5 ml, should be given the 150 drops, and frankly it gets long.
The dropper is to be taken into consideration only if you can not do in any other way and just having a lot of time and patience available.
To feed a kitten can be difficult to use a feeding tube that is in pharmacy and as the theme song has "K31".
This tube should be inserted directly into the stomach through the mouth and the milk that way goes directly into it.
Supplying power to the probe is not difficult, you just have to be careful not to end up in the lungs.
To find out if we ended up in the stomach or lungs is only one method.
If you take the path of the probe lungs will drop only 3-4 cm and then will stop if you go down in the stomach probe of 10 cm or more depending on the size of the kitten.
To get the exact size, take the probe rests at the mouth of the puppy, you do get to the outside to the navel and then makes a mark with a pen, that way you are totally safe.
To meet the nutritional needs of your cat, you can choose between a home-made food and food of industrial production sold in stores.
A homemade food is a meal that you prepare yourself with ingredients such as rice, meat, vegetables ... In so doing, the person can check the quality of the composition, but there are drawbacks, such as the cost, the work of preparation, and, what is more serious, the risk of nutritional imbalances, in the case in which the ration from you prepared does not contain quantities enough of all the nutrients that your cat needs. The sources of protein are not only the meat but, if well tolerated, may also be used as an alternative eggs, cheese or fish. The liver can be used, but only in small quantities, for the fact that it can cause diarrhea, as well as a hypervitaminosis A with grave consequences.
The meat (muscle) may constitute a large part of the daily ration, but alone is not enough to meet the requirements, so it is useful to supplement your diet with other foods containing mostly fat and, to a lesser extent, sugar and fiber.
The milk may be administered after weaning and is an excellent food, but in some individuals can cause diarrhea for the decreased production of lactase, an enzyme that allows the digestion of lactose.
Yogurt, like other dairy products, can be used as a source of protein as an alternative or in addition to the meat. The desserts in general should be avoided, so absolute in diabetic cats and in animals generally overweight. Ice cream, if it does not cause diarrhea, can be given in small doses.
Are to avoid the bones and fish bones, as there is a danger that they can splinter and cause serious damage to the esophagus, stomach and intestines.
The preservatives used in foods for humans can be harmful. Do not give your packaged foods. Also prohibited chocolate, sweets, spicy foods and very salty, cheese and vegetables.
Other error committed is the addition of vitamin and mineral supplements: poisoning by vitamin D and A, as a result of unnecessary additions with fish oils, are the most widespread of their deficiency and can lead to imbalances in mineral metabolism as a whole. Therefore, if the cat is in good health and is fed with a balanced diet, do not need any vitamin or mineral supplement, unless it is your vet to prescribe it.
Food of industrial production have the advantage of being cheaper and to contain all the nutritional principles of which a cat needs.
Are prepared with care, using the best ingredients and according to the health regulations similar to those of human nutrition.
These foods are very popular with cats. It is recommended to feed your cat observing the daily rations indicated on each package.
The wet food (both tidbits that paté) are very similar to the product being tasty and fresh, stimulate the appetite of the animal. Are foods with high digestibility.
Foods are quick to prepare and serve easily from the box. Once opened, it is advisable to keep it in the refrigerator, because the wet food deteriorates easily.
The paté, which have the appearance of flesh pressed, it goes directly chopped using a knife or a fork in the bowl of jelly.
The bites do not need to be shredded: just pour it directly into the jelly.
It is recommended that, at the end of each meal, carefully clean the cat's bowl, to prevent the deteriorating food residue can develop dangerous microorganisms.
The moist foods do not need to be integrated with other kinds of foods. Are, in fact formulated to ensure the animal a balanced diet.
Dry food (kibble) has the advantage of not going to hurt in the bowl, it fits so perfectly to the behavior of the cats, who love to make more meals during the day. Finally, the croquettes, if exposed to air, give off a smell less strong.
It is often heard that the croquettes are not good for cats as they may have urinary problems such as cystitis and kidney. This is false: a dry food formulated correctly is as effective in the prevention of urinary problems as a wet food.
If you change the type of power, you should do it gradually, in order to prevent your cat face loose stools or diarrhea, I recommend you mix an increasing number of the new food with the old one, before arriving in the complete replacement not first two weeks.
The beginning of aging is, in general, located around 10 years of age. One of the first requirements is that changes in the senior cat food. The digestive system, in fact, tends with advancing years to be less efficient, the olfactory abilities are reduced and there may be problems with chewing. For this reason, it must be followed by the cat a balanced diet based on their formulated products for elderly subjects. The balanced diet provides a better quality of life, slows the aging process and can prevent diseases that affect them more easily.
It 'not recommended home-made diet: often, it is difficult to dose in a balanced way the food needed for the maintenance of an elderly animal. The ideal intake of protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals and all the elements necessary to supply the energy needs of a senior cat foods are guaranteed by specific to cats, according to the amount indicated on the individual packages without ever exceed the recommended dose.
The food should be crumbly and tender gum, appealing to compensate for the lowering of smell, with the best ingredients enriched with protein and fats for better digestibility. Vitamin C, E and low phosphorus content are beneficial. A balanced intake of dietary fiber aid digestion.
Data are not samples, particularly food scraps of the table, to avoid becoming obese, so tiring blood circulation and respiration.