For proper breast feeding the kitten is good to follow a few simple rules, first of all prefer a formula, specifically designed for kittens, cow's milk can not be considered complete for a cat. Feed the kitten every 2/3 hours for the first week, 4/5 hours in the second, 5/6 in the third up to the fourth where he started weaning, and in any case on the basis of days of life and the weight off and follow the signs recommended on the packaging of milk substitutes for babies and taking care not to over-feed. After pappata massage the belly of the cat to help the poo. Carefully wash the bottles used.
The milk should be administered at a temperature of 38 ° C, so after adding the boiling water into the bottle already containing milk powder, allow to cool, or if already prepared and stored in the fridge, warm it up to the same temperature of 38 ° C . Ask your vet for advice for any doubt.

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